
Show Your Body Love (With Laser Skin Therapy)

Valentine's Day is right around the corner, and this is the perfect time to show your skin some love! That warm feeling is in the air. Chocolate hearts and stuffed animals are flooding our local stores. Floral shops are running on high gear. And, as you prepare for a night...

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Can a Breast Lift Keep You from Feeling Low?

Gravity has a lot of good things going for it. It keeps us on this planet, for one. It also keeps liquids in our glasses (until we tip them, at least). But gravity can also be responsible for breasts that sag over time. This can become an uncomfortable situation, both physicall...

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Snowbirds, Take the Opportunity to Rejuvenate Your Look!

It may not be as glorious a spectacle as the swallows to San Juan Capastrano, but the “migration” of travelers from the north to spend winter in Florida is just as much an honored tradition. Snowbirds escape colder climates to spend a much more relaxing and shovel-less...

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You Want Designer Bags—Not Bags Under Your Eyes!

Stop us if you've heard this one:It’s been our observation that a lot of women really love their bags. Handbags. Purses. Clutches. Totes. Messenger bags. Whether you like to splurge on the latest offerings from major designers or stick with something simple and durab...

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Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is … Literally!

Has a lifetime of laughter with family and friends left its mark with deep lines and creases around your mouth? Are your lips not quite as full as they used to be? Do you wish you could have some of the “old you” back in your smile? Well, have you considered putting y...

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Beauty Services – Inside and Out

As social creatures, we often place emphasis on both looking good and feeling good. There is debate on just how much influence these concepts have on each other, but for many people, appearance does have at least a little impact on how they perceive themselves and their confide...

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How to Determine if You’re a Good Candidate for Plastic Surgery

When we talk about the “before and after” of a plastic surgery procedure, it's tempting to reduce the discussion to what you can expect for post-surgical recovery, or even just about how your physical appearance itself will change. Those matters are important...

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Pre & Post Plastic Surgery Recovery Guide

Just like any other surgical procedure, the actual cosmetic surgery itself is only the middle part of the journey. During the first phase, you'll want to talk with your doctor, ask questions, and gather all the information you need to determine if surgery is right for you...

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How to Fix Droopy, Sagging Eyelids

One of the most important ways we communicate with one another is through our eyes. Even infants are instinctually drawn to the face and eyes, looking for clues about emotion, feeling, trust, and love. So, what do your eyes say about you? If you have droopy, sagging eyelids (wheth...

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Who Should Consider a “Laser Facelift”?

Your face is almost always the first part of yourself that others will see, and how they will remember you. It's also a place where the signs of aging are often most apparent—wrinkles, laugh lines, jowls, sagging skin, reduced muscle tone. As a result, facial treatmen...

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