
What to Consider Before Getting a Tummy Tuck

Sick of seeing loose, sagging, flabby skin around your midsection despite all your attempts to slim down and shape up? You are definitely not alone. For many people, regaining a taut, contoured tummy after weight loss or pregnancy just doesn't seem to be something that they...

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Woman with dark pink lipstick on

What can I expect after getting lip fillers?

Looking for plumper, rounder, fuller lips? A lip augmentation, otherwise known as lip fillers, may be the perfect solution! There are lots of reasons why lip fillers are a top choice for those looking to add a little volume and sensuality to their smile. It's a relatively s...

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Woman at the beach in a white bathing suit

New Year, New You! Look and Feel Your Best in 2021

Finally! It's probably fair to say that almost nobody is going to look back on 2020 with too much fondness. It’s been a rough year, to say the least. But that’s old news! While it’s true that things will take a while to fully get back to normal, the new ye...

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Woman with her hair up in a towel wearing eyeliner


By far, the number one reason why a client who truly wants to get a facelift but isn't yet willing to go through with it is time. A conventional facelift operation can provide dramatic aesthetic results, but it also generally requires three to five weeks of r...

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Modified Facelifts: A More Convenient Solution

One of the main obstacles that can scare people away from getting a cosmetic surgery procedure—especially one that takes place in a highly visible area, like the face—is fear about the downtime and recovery period afterward. Lots of women are unhappy with sagging skin...

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Woman examining her breast

You Can Go Back Again: Breast Revision Surgery

It's not a secret that breasts are among the most commonly worked on body parts for cosmetic surgeons. Breasts are a powerful visual symbol of both motherhood and femininity, and—let’s be honest—a core component of how the world sees you. So it can be hard...

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The Major Benefits of Minor Procedures

We've all heard the horror stories. Nose jobs gone wrong. A celebrity that went one surgery too far. Most of it, we’re happy to report, is fiction. Cosmetic surgeries have a great track record for safety and success, and they’re getting safer all the time. And an...

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Thinking About Lip Augmentation? (Here’s What You Need to Know)

Can you remember a time when plump, full lips were not a thing? (Because we certainly can't! )From Brooke Shields in the ‘80s to Angelina Jolie in ‘90s to Kim Kardashian today, it’s pretty obvious that many of us yearn for the appearance of full, well-de...

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Facelift or Laser Tightening: Which Is Right For Me?

There's a reason we say “showing your face to the world”—and not, say, showing your forearms or tummy! Your face is the center of everything. It’s the part of you that commands the most attention from others. The part of you they remember. The part th...

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Breast Augmentation: Will There Be Scarring?

Now that you have made the decision to get a breast augmentation, you may be wondering if the procedure will leave a noticeable scar. This is a common concern for many of our patients. We get it! After all, scarring can easily diminish the youthful, natural appearance you are look...

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